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JavaScript 2016 - New Features
ECMAScript 2016(ES7) : New Capabilities
Table of contents
Exponent Operator
The exponent operator is represented by **(double asterix). It is used for computing the exponent(power of) of the expression.
let a=10;
let b=3;
let c = a**b;
console.log("powerof", c); //1000
console.log("**", 3**2,2**5); // 9 32
In the above code the power of is computed using the exponent operator.
Array.includes() function
The includes() function is used to search for a value in the array entries. it returns a value true if found.
// Array - includes() method
let names = ["ram","hari","gopi","ramesh"];
console.log(names.includes("gopi"), names.includes("mahesh"));
// true false
In the above code the value gopi is found but mahesh is not found.
The programmer can also specify the starting index of the search in includes() function.
let cities = ['Bangalore', 'Mumbai', 'Hubli', 'Mysore','Pune', 'Kolkata'];
console.log(cities.includes('Mumbai', 1)); // true
console.log(cities.includes('Kolkata', 4)); // true
console.log(cities.includes('Hubli', 4)); // false
console.log(cities.includes('Bangalore', 1)); // false
In the above code the search is based index i.e from where the search should start.
Complete Code Listing
let a=10;
let b=3;
let c = a**b;
console.log("powerof", c); //1000
console.log("**", 3**2,2**5); // 9 32
// Array - includes() method
let names = ["ram","hari","gopi","ramesh"];
console.log(names.includes("gopi"), names.includes("mahesh")); // true false
let cities = ['Bangalore', 'Mumbai', 'Hubli', 'Mysore','Pune', 'Kolkata'];
console.log(cities.includes('Mumbai', 1)); // true
console.log(cities.includes('Kolkata', 4)); // true
console.log(cities.includes('Hubli', 4)); // false
console.log(cities.includes('Bangalore', 1)); // false